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Confidence Chat with Olivia Larossa

Confidence is beautiful! We fundamentally believe that you're at you're most beautiful when you're engaged, happy, and comfortable in your own skin. Club Copina Co. member Olivia Larossa is someone who embodies these traits. That's why we (virtually) sat down with her to chat about her views on confidence and beauty.

First off, tell readers a bit about yourself!

My name is Olivia, I’m 23 and I’m from Massachusetts! I sell vintage and reworked thrifted clothing with my best friend and our business is called Junkyard Thrift! You can check us out on Instagram or :)

Olivia Larossa Copina Co.

What does confidence mean to you?

To me, confidence is feeling happy and secure with yourself. Confidence is so important to me because I love to feel like my best self and when I’m feeling confident, I don’t feel the need to have those inevitable judgmental thoughts of other people or ideas.

When do you feel the most confident?

I feel the most confident when I am feeling healthy and happy, surrounded by the people I love and wearing fun clothes that make me feel like my most authentic self!

Who and/or what inspires you to be confident?

I have some really amazing close friends and family members that inspire my confidence and also help me when I’m feeling down. Other than that, I have realized that by looking inward and not really paying attention to the noise of the outside world is when I feel the most connected to myself and therefore the most confident!

Do you have any daily practices that help boost your confidence?

Managing stress is really important to my confidence so I usually try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, get plenty of sleep, and go for long walks daily so I can show up as my best self everyday! I also love putting on fun makeup like colorful eyeliner and blush to feel good!

What is your favourite Copina Co. product + why?

My favorite Copina Co. product is the Original Beauty! It’s so versatile and I love using It in smoothies or pancakes daily. Not only is It the perfect addition to my meals It also is super effective and I can really see the difference in my skin. Having glowing skin is definitely an added boost to my confidence as well! :)


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