How to make a matcha latte 3 ways! We’ve rounded up some of our favorite (and easy!) tips for how to make a matcha latte at home. All you need are a few simple ingredients, your favorite plant milk, and our Plant-Based Matcha Beauty collagen powder and you’re golden.
These 3 recipes make a great alternative to your morning cup of cold brew and still pack all the energy benefits you could need, but without the coffee crash or jitters. Think of these recipes as an addition to your morning skincare routine – simpler, tastier, and packed with better-for your properties for healthier hair, skin, and nails.
What is matcha?
Matcha is quite different than any other green tea you’ve had because of the way it is processed and consumed. Matcha is made by taking whole green tea leaves and grinding them into a fine powder that, when combined with liquids or baked goods, allows you to consume all the benefits of the tea in its whole leaf form and at its most potent level. The green tea plants used for matcha are traditionally grown in the shade for up to four weeks where the leaves are able to develop natural caffeine.
Only the finest and most mature leaves are chosen for the matcha before being laid out flat to dry. The leaves are then de-veined, de-stemmed, and stone-ground into a beautiful and bright green tea powder known as matcha.
How is Matcha Prepared?
Matcha is most commonly prepared by whisking 1-2 tbsp (depending on how strong you like it) with just-below boiling water (175*F is best). Drink it as is for cozier mornings or channel your inner barista and combine with your favorite plant milk for a dreamy and delicious matcha latte.
What is a Matcha Latte Anyway?
Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? We’ve got your back. We’ll show you exactly how to make a matcha latte. With the recipes below, you’ll quickly become a matcha master.
Matcha lattes are super simple to prepare and pack a delicious and vibrant punch all from the comfort of your own kitchen.
A Latte is simply a drink made with some sort of creamy element – like an oat or almond milk. It became popular through drinks like coffee and cappuccinos where the milk is steamed and is served with a shot of espresso.
A matcha latte, on the other hand, is typically prepared the same way in that the milk is frothed to a foamy consistency, or left just as is, and blended with a mixture of matcha and hot water. A matcha latte drink can be served hot or over ice.
What is the Best Way to Make a Matcha Latte?
A matcha latte is best prepared when the powder is combined with hot water. Mixing with hot water enhances the sweet and aromatic flavor and ensures the powder fully dissolves in your drink.
Copina Co. Matcha Beauty collagen powder is formulated with plant-based botanical’s like tremella mushroom, coconut, and amla berry that work best when blended in hot water, with a hand frother or blender.
For a café-life experience, you can also froth the milk. You can add it on top to achieve total barista status or simply combine the milk with your drink just as is. Pour over ice cubes for an iced treat or sip it hot– either way, it’s a super delicious and beauty-boosting treat that serves as a great alternative to coffee.

1. Oat Milk Matcha Latte
Simple is sometimes best, so on busy summer mornings, this Oat Milk Matcha Latte is our go-to recipe of choice. In less than 5 minutes you’ll have yourself a refreshing and slightly sweet summer drink ready to energize you for the day ahead.
Oat Milk Matcha Latte Ingredients
Ice: But can be served hot too! By not adding ice and slightly warming your milk along with the water.
½ oat milk: Any type of milk works just as good. We love using oat milk for its subtle sweetness and mild flavor.
½ cup hot water: To enhance the deep and aromatic flavor of the matcha powder and to lock in all its amazing benefits.
Copina Co. Plant-Based Matcha Beauty Powder: The star of the show that packs a deep and vibrant punch of energizing botanicals that help promote healthy hair, skin, nails, and joints.
- Sweetener of choice (optional): In this specific recipe we choose not to use a sweetener, we think the matcha and oat milk combination is perfect on its own. If you choose to use a sweetener like maple syrup, agave, or honey simply whisk in a teaspoon or so with your drink at the end.
How to Make an Oat Milk Matcha Latte
Place the ice in a serving glass and set aside.
Take ½ cup hot water, combine with 2 tsp Matcha Beauty (depending on how strong you want it) using a hand frother or by vigorously stirring.
Pour ½ cup oat milk into the glass with ice followed by the matcha mixture. Enjoy in layers or stir with your straw to combine.
2. Strawberry Matcha Latte
A summer show stopper with this sweet and refreshing Iced Strawberry Matcha Latte. The perfect recipe to switch up your current matcha drink with a little muddle of fresh strawberries. We’re craving all things fruity and delicious this time of year, so this Iced Strawberry Matcha Latte is the perfect summer treat.
Strawberry Matcha Latte Ingredients
- A handful of fresh strawberries: We love the delicate taste of fresh strawberries but frozen works just as good too. Let thaw out a room temperature for 30 minutes before preparing the muddle.
½ cup oat milk: We love Malk Organics but any plant milk works well
- Ice
2 tsp Copina Co. Matcha Beauty: Because duh, matcha is the star of the show!
- ½ cup hot water: To blend with the matcha powder to ensure the powder fully dissolves and the flavors are enhanced at their maximum potential
How to Make a Strawberry Iced Matcha Latte
Chop, then mash the strawberries on a cutting board, then place the mashed strawberries at the bottom of your glass. Frozen strawberries that have been defrosted also work just fine, but we love the delicate taste of fresh strawberries.
Next in a glass, add in the mashed strawberries and layer on top with enough ice to where the matcha layer would be separated from the strawberries.
Pour in your milk of choice. We love using oat milk for its slightly sweet and creamy taste but use whichever milk you prefer.
In a separate container, use a hand frother, blender, or a vigorously stir by hand to combine the hot water and Matcha Beauty Powder.
Lastly, pour Matcha Beauty Powder mixture into your glass over the oat milk. Add a straw and either sip as is or stir to combine.
3. Rose Water Matcha Latte
Also known as a vegan and dairy-free beverage fit for royalty! A perfect latte to sip on during those cooler summer mornings (they’re coming we swear). The steeped rose tea totally turns your home into a spa and we’re loving every second of it. Cozy up with a good book, kick back on your porch, and treat yourself to this Rose Water Matcha Latte we promise it won’t disappoint!
Serve hot or over ice.
Rose Water Matcha Latte Ingredients
- 1 cup hot oat or almond milk: When blended with the matcha, a creamy and totally dreamy consistency forms that make this recipe so decadent and delicious.
- 2 teaspoons Copina Co. plant-based collagen boost blend: A blend of tasty botanicals and matcha powder that promotes collagen production and encourages healthy hair, skin, nails, and joints.
- ¼ cup hot water: To steep the rose petals and extract all of their delicate flavors.
2 spoonfuls of rose petals: Rose petals, when steeped have a beautifully light and floral taste. The flavor ranges depending on the variety and can be sweetened with a little honey if your batch is a little bitter.
How to Make a Rose Water Matcha Latte
First make a rosewater tea. To do this, steep most of the rose petals (leave some for the topping) in the hot water for about 2 minutes. Remove the roses from the tea, then add the tea and remaining ingredients to a blender.
Blend for about 30 seconds, then pour into a mug and top as desired. Serve hot, or over ice!
Connect with us over on Instagram @copinaco and don’t forget to tag us in your matcha beauty creations.